Category: History of Massage

  • Aston Kinetics

    Aston Kinetics is not a type of massage but does include some massage/hands on techniques to go along with the movement system. The idea is that the body is not symetrical and Aston Kinetics works to gather info from a client’s history and they way they move to create a plan to help them to…

  • Timeline History of Pain Theories

    Timeline History of Pain Theories

    The term for pain appeared for the first time in the ancient medical book Huang Di Nei Jing (Book on more than 3000 years ago, translated into English as The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine by Veith in 1966 and The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor by Zhu in 2001. Pain was…

  • History of Reflexology

    6000 BC–3000 BC – Zoku Shin Do is the oldest known form of reflexology. Zoko Shin Do originated in China. 2330 B.C – Tomb of Ankhmahor (highest official after the Pharaoh) at Saqqara, which is also known as the physicians tomb supposedly shows images of foot massage. The painting of Akhmahor, an Egyptian priest was…

  • History of Massage 1850-1899

    1850s– Karl von Reichenbach discovered kerosene and paraffin 1858 – Bindgewebs term – The term itself was first mentioned by Johannes Peter Müller (14 July 1801 – 28 April 1858) was a German physiologist, comparative anatomist,  ichthyologist, and herpetologist according to Wikipedia. Later became Connective Tissue Massage created by Emily Dicke. 1858 – Gerard : Des frictions et du massage dans le traitement de…

  • History of Massage 1800-1849

    1800’s-Reiki is believed to date back to early Tibetan healing practices. Discovered in the 1800’s by a Japanese philosopher and Christian seminary educator, Dr. Mikao Usui 1804 – The Elements of Kellgrens’ Manual Therapy by James Cryax reports that First historical record of Per Henrik Lings (1776- 1839) was in 1804. THE ELEMENTS OF KELLGREN’S…