Category: Uncategorized

  • Asian Massage Parlors

    Happy Endings or requests for happy endings are sexual harassment/sexual assault. Make them to prostitutes, not massage therapists. Asian Massage Parlors or full body Asian massage is giving the massage profession a big challenge.  For the most part, the reference to Asian massage is usually for the purpose of prostitution but there are many very…

  • Myofascial Release

    Myofascial release is a term that has been used to describe a method of working with the fascia of the muscles to ‘release’ them from restrictions and adhesions. The complete fascial net includes dense planar tissue sheets, ligaments, tendons, superficial fascia and even the innermost intramuscular layer of the endomysium. The term fascia now includes…

  • Best Shoes for massage therapists

    I have been wanting to create this page for a very long time…so here it is! I still am amazed that there are so many Facebook threads asking the question – what shoes do you wear as a massage therapist? The answer is as varied as there are number of feet in the world! What…

  • Not in Our Good Name

    For a very long time, the massage therapy profession has been plagued with brothels doing business under the name of massage. My look down the history of the massage profession shows how the profession has even tried to stop it by starting licensing laws back in the early 40’s/50’s. The laws did little to nothing…

  • History of AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) 1980-present.

    1982 – Council of Schools, Founded in 1982, was an independent forum for massage therapy school owners, administrators, and faculty to communicate. While independent, the council worked closely with the AMTA, as it was the largest massage association of that time. And in 1999, the COS made the choice to officially become the AMTA Council…