Category: Glossary

  • Mastering Medical Terminology

    Common Prefixes and their meanings. Root  Meaning Example Acou, Acu    hearing Acoustics Acro, Acro    extremity   Acromium Aden, Adeno  gland      Adenoma – tumor with a gland like structure Adip fat Adipose tissue Alg, Algia     pain  Neuralgia – pain along a nerve Angi(o) vessel   Angiocardiography – x-ray of the blood vessels and heart Ater (i)     …

  • Hydrotherapy Glossary

    Ablution- Washing of the body by hand, usually using a towel or mitt Affusion- Pouring on of water Analgesic– Decreases pain Anesthetic– Reduces local pain, diminished or loss of sensation Antipyretic- Reduction in fever Antispasmodic- Reducing  muscle spasms Astringent– Agent which causes local vasoconstiction and closing of pores Balneology- The science of baths and bathing…

  • Glossary of Massage terms (B,C,D)

    Glossary of Massage Terms for Massage School – B, C, D Body Mechanics – Massage therapists must use appropriate body mechanics with proper use of leverage and strength for maximum efficiency with minimum strain to stay healthy while doing massage. Broad Fiber Spreading – Any friction technique that moves superficial tissue over the underlying structures…

  • Glossary of Massage Terms – D,E

    Glossary of Massage Terms (D,E) Deep fascia –  A coarse sheet of fibrous connective tissue that binds muscles into functional groups and forms partitions, called intermuscular septa, between muscle groups. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)   Genetic material of Deep Tendon Reflex – knee jerk reflex that occurs as a result of a strike by a rubber…