Author: Julie Onofrio

  • Massage Oils

    Massage Oils

    ELAP recommendations: Massage Equipment and Enviroment: Conditions: Having completed 2.5 hours of instruction on equipment and session environments, the learner is expected to:• Demonstrate knowledge of the key terms and concepts related to massageequipment and session environments, including types of equipment and features,lubricants, supplies, and factors for creating a comfortable, inviting, and safesession space, on…

  • The depth in deep tissue massage

    Deep tissue massage therapy is one of those very confusing terms often used by massage therapists, massage schools and others. Refer to this updated article on deep tissue massage. Learning deep tissue massage is one of the many things you can do to set yourself apart from all of the other massage therapists out there. …

  • Deep Tissue Massage – Outdated terminology.

    Deep Tissue Massage is a term used by massage therapists that describes the amount of pressure that is applied during a massage or it can also mean a technique that focuses on releasing the deeper myofascial restrictions of the deeper muscles, tendon and ligaments of the body.   This work is also sometimes referred to as myofascial…

  • Best Shoes for massage therapists

    I have been wanting to create this page for a very long time…so here it is! I still am amazed that there are so many Facebook threads asking the question – what shoes do you wear as a massage therapist? The answer is as varied as there are number of feet in the world! What…

  • Best Massage Guns for Massage Therapists

    I never thought I would be writing about massage guns. I have always though of being a massage therapist was hands on work. I even frown at the cupping craze and the scraping too craze. I had been hearing so much about them, that I finally tried on that one of my friends recommended. I…