Structural Integration is a term used to describe a series of massage/bodywork sessions that is based on the work of Ida Rolf who created Rolfing. In 1979, the United States Patent Office granted service mark rights for the word “Rolfing” to the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute,distinguishing “Rolfing” from all other forms of structural integration. DIRI ( is the sole owner of the trademark “Rolfing”, the brand and all its derivatives. To be able to call yourself a Rolfer® and use their trademark, you must attend the Dr. Rolf Institute – DIRI and complete their training.
There are now many schools of Structural Integration that have taken the original work of Ida Rolf and added their own thoughts and methods. The programs listed here are a pathway to certification in Structural Integration by the Certification Board for Structual Integration ( )
The International Association of Structural Integrators provides this chart outlining the various offshoots.
Tom Myers, one of Ida Rolf’s first students provides a breakdown of the variations in the sessions:

School of Structural Integration | Basic Premise/ Number of Sessions | Creator/History |
Anatomy Trains 18 Mud Fog Road Walpole, Maine 04573 888 546-3747Fax: 866 385-9977 | 12 session protocol. ATSI uses the Anatomy Trains map to provide logical reason for the progression of their 12-series of SI sessions. Anatomy Trains – lines of imaginary strain that ran in various planes from top to bottom and in spirals around the human form. Fact or Fiction article by Tom Myers Part I – Structural Essentials: $3,400 Part II – Structural Strategies: $3,000 Part III – Structural Integration: $6,600 Total: $13,500 ($12,500 for pre-payment in full) Title: Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Practitioner | Tom Myers: studied with Ida Rolf in 1973. Also studied reflexology. Trained with Judith Aston, Dr. R Louis Schultz (author of the Endless Web). Studied with Feldenkrais, Jean-Pierre Barrall ,Continuim. Developed the Anatomy Trains during the 1990’s, as a game for students to play when I was teaching Fascial Anatomy at the Rolf Institute. Brief History of Anatomy Trains |
Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® 5055 Chaparral Court, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: (303) 449-5903 Fax: 303-449-5978 | The hallmark of Rolfing Structural Integration is a standardized “recipe” known as the Ten-Series. Tuition, fees from National Center for Education Statistics. 2020-2023 Full Program Tuition (Phases I-III) $23,110-25,499 $900 Certified Rolfer™/ Advanced Rolfer™ / Rolf Movement Practitioner™ | In 1979, the United States Patent Office granted service mark rights for the word “Rolfing” to the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute,distinguishing “Rolfing” from all other forms of structural integration. DIRI is the sole owner of the trademark “Rolfing”, the brand and all its derivatives. History of Rolfing on |
The Guild for Structural Integration 2180 East 4500 South Suite 245 Holladay, UT 84117 (801) 696-1169 | The Guild affirms that our primary interest is in human potential and not the palliation of symptoms, and that the miracle of symptom relief is only coincidental with the true goals of Structural Integration. We also vow to promote interest in the “unfinished” aspects of Dr. Rolf’s work and to continue her inquiry into the energy fields of the body and their relationship to balanced structure. Basic Training: Phase I Prerequisite: $4,500, 195 course hours total Auditing (Phase II) 250 credit hours: $5,000 / $8,500 The Practitioner Class (Phase III) 250 credit hours Title: Structural Integration Practitioner – GSI | The Guild for Structural Integration was founded and named by Dr. Ida P. Rolf in the mid-sixties. In 1989, a small group of individuals, dedicated to preserving Dr. Rolf’s traditional teachings, dedicated to preserving the Spirit and Heart of Ida Rolf’s work, started the Guild for Structural Integration. History from Rolf Guild |
Global SI™ 3501-B North Ponce de Leon Boulevard, #262 St. Augustine, FL 32084 Email: Phone: +1 (904) 251-4305 | Derek Gill (founder) had the opportunity to take his basic Rolfing® training 3 times, first with Dr. Pedro Prado, credited for bringing SI to Brazil, and twice with Dr. Rolf’s hand picked original teacher, Jan Sultan, whom he also did his Advanced Rolfing® training with in a course assisted by Jon Martine. | |
Institute for Structural Integration 7700 Center Bay Drive North Bay Village, FL 33141 Phone: 786-606-9744 Email: | Basic Structural Integration: $5500.00. 5 weekends. | John Latz developed the Connective Tissue Massage course in 1989 and in 1992 founded The Institute for Structural Integration (ISI). Trained with Emmett Hutchins, one of Ida’s first students. |
Morales Method Academy of Structural Integration – Santa Monica, California & San Francisco, California | Fees/Courses Program Level Description – MMASI™ Level 1 104 Hours/Approximate Cost: $1,400.00 MMASI™ Level 2 168 Hours/Approximate Cost: $2,300.00 MMASI™ Level 3 248 Hours/Approximate Cost: $2,400.00 580-hour program | Created by Marty Morales who studied with Jan Sultan (who studied with Ida Rolf) in 2016. Also studied with Art Riggs (Rolfer) |
Soma Institute of Structural Integration 772 Camano Ave, Suite 101 Langley, WA 98260 360-680-3053 | 768 hour training program in structural integration (SI) theory and technique. Cost: $21,500 11 sessions. | Developed in 1977 by Bill Williams who studied directly with Ida P. Rolf. Taken over by Karen Bolesky in 1986. Now led by Jesse P. Guerrero, Denise Foster Scott. |
Hellerwork® International – San Clemente, California Training through UCHA Bodywork College 8702 N 31st Street Omaha, NE 68112 Tel: 402-556-4456 | 11 session protocol. Incorporates Dialogue to assist you in becoming aware of emotional stresses that may be related to physical tension. See client handbook. $25,878.00 57 semester credits/1025 Clock Hours-Training Program: four 17.50 week semesters (70 weeks) 18-months . | Created by Joseph Heller, student of Ida Rolf in 1979 |
Institute of Structural Medicine Twisp, Washington & Mercer Island, Washington TWISP TRAINING CENTER 103 Ross Road Twisp, WA 98856 (206) 713-9758 SEATTLE TREATMENT STUDIO 4242 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 (206) 713-9758 | 2,535 hours of training. Total Tuition Including Deposit $32,500 Title: ISM Structural Medicine Specialist™ | Donna Bajelis is a nationally respected educator and leader in the field of Structural Integration. She has 44 years of experience combined, as a Licensed Physical Therapist, Certified Hellerwork Trainer, and Structural Medicine Trainer. |
- Apamed Fachschule fur professionelle Ausbildungen – Switzerland
- Australian School of Applied Structural Integration – Queensland, Australia
- The European Guild for Structural Integration – various
- Institut fur Strukturelle Korpertherapie (Structural Core Therapy Institute) – Nuremberg, Germany
- International School of Structural Integration – Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Japanese Institute of Structural Integration – Osaka, Japan
- Neuro Movement Integration® – Pensacola, Florida
- New School of Structural Integration – Laguna Beach, California
- The Pacific School of Structural Integration – Yona, Guam
- Septum Work – Budapest, Hungary
- Structural Integration Australia – Victoria, Australia
- The University of New Mexico-Taos Taos, NM
Structural Integration Associations, Certifications
There is also Board Certification in SI through the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI). Practitioners who display the Board Certified Structural Integrator (BCSI) credential have graduated from an IASI-approved training program and passed a basic competency exam. The Basic Rolfing Certification Program is accredited by The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA). In order to graduate from an accredited program, all three phases of the program must be attended at the Rolf Institute in Boulder, CO. Regional and International programs are not accredited by COMTA.
The Guild for Structural Integration (GSI) is an association of Structural Integration practitioners and associates who are dedicated to preserving Dr. Rolf’s teaching and work.
Ida Pauline Rolf, PhD (1896–1979) – The woman, The Researcher and bodyworker extradonaire: Where did the The Line and The Recipe come from? Why did she choose 10 sessions? Why did she pick gravity and the line?
The Rolfing Lineage. A few of the early students of Ida Rolf, went on to create their own variation of the 10 Session protocol, always with her blessing. After her death, a battle of the Rolfing Trademark ensued.