Category: Types of Massage Therapy

  • Reflexology. False claims are rampant.

    Reflexology. False claims are rampant.

    Reflexology is NOT a type of massage. It is a type of hands on therapy that addresses the feet and hands and assumes that there are reflex points on the hands and feet that when worked on will change other areas of the body. It is different than just regular foot massage. There is also…

  • History of Reflexology

    6000 BC–3000 BC – Zoku Shin Do is the oldest known form of reflexology. Zoko Shin Do originated in China. 2330 B.C – Tomb of Ankhmahor (highest official after the Pharaoh) at Saqqara, which is also known as the physicians tomb supposedly shows images of foot massage. The painting of Akhmahor, an Egyptian priest was…

  • Thai Massage

    Thai Massage is a traditional system of stretching and working with the body using acupressure, Ayurvedic Principles, Shen lines (aka energy lines) and assisted Yoga. It is done with the closes on usually. This traditional healing practice, called nuad or nuad boran in the Thai language. The Thai system claims to focus on circulation of…

  • Cupping Massage

    Cupping has become the latest fad with many professional athletes being seen with the cupping marks on their bodies during competition. Cupping is the process of using glass, plastic or other cups to the skin to change the body’s energy system. Cupping is said to remove stagnation, dilates blood vessel to draw toxins to the…

  • Connective Tissue Massage

    Connective Tissue is the substance in the bodies of animals and people which fills in the spaces between organs and connects muscles and bones. It develops in the embryo from the mesoderm. All connective tissue consists of three main components: fibers (elastic and collagenous fibers), ground substance and cells. The section on connective tissue will provide the basics about…