Category: Pathology

  • Massage for Arthritis

    Definition: Chronic degeneration articular cartilage of synovial (movable) joints, primarily affecting weight bearing joints.(sometimes referred to as degenerative joint disease) Other types of arthritis: Rheumatoid, spondylosis, gout, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, infectious arthritis, kawasaki syndrome. Causes: improper posture that causes extra stress to joints, injuries resulting in toxic build up in joints,  leading…

  • Massage for Diabetes: Can it help?

    Diabetes Mellitus is a group of diseases that is characterized by high blood glucose levels ….. Type I Auto-immune Disease. No known cure. Type II – Adult Onset Diabetes Usually starts with Insulin resistance (cells unable to use insulin properly and pancrease stops making insulin)    

  • Massage for Stress

    Massage and Bodywork Articles “Jangled” Adults Touch and the Stress Response System By Ruth Werner The Visible Effects of Stress Get a Grip on Anxiety and Ease a Troubled Face — and Mind By Barbara Hey Stress and Pain Age the Body and Brain News Note By Lara Evans Bracciante Turning the Tables on Stress News…

  • Pathology : T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

    Tendonitis Definition: inflammation of a tendon or musculotendinous junction Causes: overuse, repetitive stress, improper healing, or tearing from sustained overloading of muscle Signs/Symptoms: pain, persistent pain worse at night, pain referral, pain worse after use, muscle weakness,  inflammation, limited ROM; usually occurs where the tendon attaches to the bone or where the muscle attaches to the…

  • Pathology – S

    Scabies Definition: skin infectionCauses: parasites; mites Signs/Symptoms: itching, persistent itchy rash, dry scaly skin, highly contagious by skin to skin contactIndications: N/AContraindications: refer to Physician for diagnosis SciaticaDefinition: inflammation of the sciatic nerveCauses: nerve root impingement caused by disc protrusion or herniation, adhesions at the nerve root, fibrosis, degenerative joint disease, piriformis syndrome, fibromyalgiaSigns/Symptoms: pain…