Category: Uncategorized

  • Associate and Bachelor Degrees in Massage Therapy

    Most massage schools do not offer full degree programs in massage and are considered to be more of a trade school. There are now a few that are offering more formal degrees. The degree itself is not recognized as being any more qualified than just fulfilling the regular massage school requirements. I would recommend them…

  • Ethics defined

    Ethics is about creating a strong foundation for your massage business or job so that you can build a career that will allow you to last a long time and be wildly successful as a massage therapist.   I bet you never really thought that ethics could get wild! Studying ethics and learning about your own…

  • Boundaries for Massage Therapists

    A Boundary is a space within a perimeter that may be a physical, emotional or mental space.  The emotional (mental) space is determined by past experiences, values and morals. The physical space is the actual physical limits of space that is needed by each person to feel safe and secure.  Boundaries can be communicated by…

  • MT BOK Blog

    MT BOK part 1. MT BOK part 2. This is MT BOK part 3. Taken from 09/15/2020 Saturday, April 2, 2016 Past time to update. So here it is, almost 5 years since the inaugural MTBOK was published, and what has happened? I’m sorry to say that ultimately what began as a brief pause…

  • MT BOK part 2

    Part One, MT BOK Here. Links go to to copy of original website. Task Force Member BiographiesBryan Fong, LMT, MBA, NCTMBMegan E. Lavery, LMT, CZB, NCTMBKevin Pierce, LMT, MBASusan G. Salvo, BEd, LMT, NTS, CI, NCTMBSteven Schenkman, BS, LMTDawn M. Schmidt, BS, LMTJoEllen SeftonMichael Shea, PhD, LMTChip Hines, MS, PMP, LMT, NCTMB Bryan Fong,…