Author: Julie Onofrio

  • The Wounded Healer massage therapist

    The wounded healer massage therapist is a massage therapist who comes into the massage profession with conscious or unconscious emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wounding in order to heal themselves. The legend of Chiron whose name means “working with the hands” was wounded accidentally by Herakles arrow which made him permanently injured.  Being immortal, he…

  • Emotions and Massage

    It is fairly common knowledge that emotions can be part of bodywork and massage.  Feelings are all in the body which is why there is so much focus on ethics, boundaries and learning to use touch safely with people.   No matter what technique or method is used the client only knows how it feels to…

  • Swedish Massage Techniques

    Contrary to popular belief, Swedish Massage was not created by anyone from Sweden.  The History of Swedish massage by Robert Calvert describes where Swedish massage came from.  Per Ling a Swedish Physiologist and gymnastics instructor created something known as the Swedish Movements or Swedish Movement Cure (link to Massage Today Article: November, 2010, Vol. 10,…

  • Full Body Massage

    The words full body massage are often used by people when asking for a massage. In some cases what people are really asking for is a “happy ending” so when you use that term asking about massage, you might get more questions to determine exactly what you mean by that. Full body massage is massage…

  • Massage Envy

    Massage Envy was one of the first companies to bring franchises to the massage therapy profession and was started back in 2002. The idea back then was quite controversial as their business model is to hire entry level grads or anyone who wants to work there and pay them low hourly wages. The franchise offers…